Gerard Twitter

Gerard Tendências Do Twitter - Top Tweets | Brazil

1️⃣ Les enfants des classes sociales défavorisées sont ceux qui consomment le + de viande. 2️⃣ Les Français mangent trop de viande et pas assez de légumes/fruits ce qui pose un problème de santé publique. 3️⃣ Cette décision de la mairie de Lyon date de Gérard Collomb, pas d’EELV.

Gerard Foto,Gerard Tendências Do Twitter - Top Tweets

Gerard on Twitter

sam 🥀
Sam 🥀 ()

Gerard really made that post tho, like those were definitely his words. Just wow I missed them so much

chaotic (blank)
Chaotic (blank) ()

what does gerard mean by “lab”? studio? making music? i still am suspicious he is going to voice christopher the cube on s3 of the umbrella maybe it’s both those maybe that’s what he meant by “spending so much time in the lab” bc he is doing both

🖤🙌🏻🖤love you brother
🖤🙌🏻🖤love you brother ()

cuando vuelva a la normalidad hago un hilo d las piernas d gerard

rhea ## strawbaby⁷🍓✡︎
Rhea ## strawbaby⁷🍓✡︎ ()

gerard xo in the lab my chem chemical laboratory present tense working with mcr frank new ep brothers in rock sewerwolf

Cesi ()

gerard diciendo que lindo tu ep frank!! misma energia que joshua bassett felicitando a olivia por drivers license

not vix 🕯️击
Not vix 🕯️击 ()

hoy casi me revienta porque le dije que en realidad igual mis canciones favs de gerard no estaban en el cd y que me dio mucha satisfacción ~tenerlo~ pero que ni lo escuché apenas lo abrí como hago con todos los discos que me compro

Mr Happy
Mr Happy ()

@fm_radion As a musician and composer, this is fantastic news. I want submit music, can u please let me know how to proceed. Thanks

newspapers dot com influencer
Newspapers dot com influencer ()

This is a joke please don’t tell me and just enjoy this picture of emo King Gerard Way - thanks, management

Marc Denis
Marc Denis ()

@Latou10199359 @EricOnSportsLaw Not what I said. Had Gerard with me 6 years in CBus and loved him. The essence of my message is about having good coaches brought up here in Québec. Lots of those names won’t make it and left lots off list that I like (Veilleux, Goyens, etc)

Skyler ()

@DEADTOVAMPIRES muita informação pra um dia só, se a gente ter um treco a culpa vai ser do gerard e do frank

Totocarp_SY ()

#bunnyArmy ayudemos a nuestro amigo Gerard dándole retweet a su hermoso edit de Spiderwen que hizo con mucho esfuerzo y cariño para nuestra querida @staryuukiii 🥺❤️🤗

Kate ()

gerard seeing everyone thinking “in the lab” means the studio when he actually means his wheat growing lab

Gerard Foto,Gerard Tendências Do Twitter - Top Tweets
Aguus⊬Ψ击🧘🏽‍♀️ ()

mi mama me esta cargando pq se me corrió el maquillaje por llorar POR GERARD disculpa ma él me crió mas q vos

Paulla ()

@jennymustdie amiga deixa eu fanficar IMAGINA SE O GERARD ME NOTA POR ESSE COMENTÁRIO?

Frank Iero Brasil
Frank Iero Brasil ()

Gerard fez um post em seu Instagram divulgando o Heaven Is a Place, This Is a Place. Um pouquinho atrasado, talvez, mas ele pode tudo, né? 🥰 Post original e tradução nas imagens:

Gerard Foto,Gerard Tendências Do Twitter - Top Tweets
✝︎ jade ✝︎
✝︎ jade ✝︎ ()

this is literally just another “i collided into frank” vs “gerard and i tongue kissed” moment

ポストMCR Japan
ポストMCR Japan ()

【Gerard】僕のロックの弟フランクアイエロが彼のバンドThe Future Violentsと一緒に『Heaven Is A Place, This Is A Place』という素晴らしいEPを出したんだけど、僕はこれが大好きだ。 (続きは画像)

Gerard Foto,Gerard Tendências Do Twitter - Top Tweets
Ya🦇 ()

sem querer dizer nada mas o saldo do mes foi OTIMO: - arrumei um emprego bom - adotei um gato - instalei um ar condicionado no quarto - gerard voltou a vida

iv ⊬击
Iv ⊬击 ()

gerard hablando con frank mientras esperan que pasen 30 min para que frank le de like y comente thanks brother 🖤🔥

Gerard Foto,Gerard Tendências Do Twitter - Top Tweets
Roberto J Vicente
Roberto J Vicente ()

@darioleiva1975 Yo a Gerard Moreno y Aspas los tengo en la LigaFantasy por el 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Plus jamais dans la PA !
Plus jamais dans la PA ! ()

Depardieu mis en examen pour « viols » et « agressions sexuelles » Selon une source proche du dossier, Gérard Depardieu est un ami de la famille de la victime. #MeToo

Konbini France
Konbini France ()

Gérard Depardieu a été mis en examen pour viols 👉

Gerard Foto,Gerard Tendências Do Twitter - Top Tweets
NBC News
NBC News ()

The Paris prosecutor’s office says French actor Gerard Depardieu was charged in December with rape and sexual assault after authorities revived a 2018 investigation that was initially dropped.

G1 ()

Justiça francesa volta a investigar Gérard Depardieu por acusação de estupro #G1

Vee ()

i hope it’s not like a 15 second clip of gerard saying how hard covid has effected our mental health and nothing else cause even im gonna be disappointed

lunar/nova 💫
Lunar/nova 💫 ()

// gender bending mention ok but those gender bent old edits of gerard genuinely look like one of my aunts and it’s so weird


hey guys , can we tag gerard hate ? obviously don’t tag gerard criticism , he deserves to be criticised and it’s important that everyone knows what he’s criticised for , but can we please tag hate ? /gen

Le Parisien
Le Parisien ()

🔴 Accusé de viols, Gérard Depardieu mis en examen

Gerard Foto,Gerard Tendências Do Twitter - Top Tweets
AFP News Agency
AFP News Agency ()

#BREAKING #French actor Gerard Depardieu charged with rape: judicial source

Gerard Foto,Gerard Tendências Do Twitter - Top Tweets
Hugo Clément
Hugo Clément ()

1️⃣ Les enfants des classes sociales défavorisées sont ceux qui consomment le + de viande. 2️⃣ Les Français mangent trop de viande et pas assez de légumes/fruits ce qui pose un problème de santé publique. 3️⃣ Cette décision de la mairie de Lyon date de Gérard Collomb, pas d’EELV.

☚ Bambam É CAMPEÃO ☛
Brazil Tendências principais