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@Elizebian Feel like that’s a trend with right wing parties You’ve got Trump blaming the Dems for everything The Tories blaming Labour for everything I expect to see that trend in other countries as well umu

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Constantine ()

@NicoleArbour People like Trump killed Jesus. Now. Trump is trying to kill democracy.

1% 17 M Corrupt Mafia must be eliminated
1% 17 M Corrupt Mafia must be eliminated ()

Trump now you know this. O my God. God bless you, as you also believe in God like Muslims do.

Kasuya101 ()

@Reuters From the photo taken in the airport, it will not be senior officier. And no matter who comes, it looks like Trump administration, who has only 2-month-life is playing tricks with Taiwan, like a master play with his dog.

Like trump Photo,Like trump Twitter Trend : Most Popular Tweets
Sorrysunshinewrongplace ()

@xoxoPatrioticRN @realDonaldTrump you make it very clear you have thrown away the country for a despot. well done on that ... nothing like supporting sedition and treachery - your dear leader trump is playing you like puppets.

Amazonian ()

This is great news. Let’s be proactive and do it. We don’t need another lesson like Trump!

Thomas J. House
Thomas J. House ()

@tribelaw A few years later the race riots, assasinations of RFK & MLK, the Vietnam War, demonstrations against the war and for civil rights, the candidacy of George Wallace & the Nixon tears all contributed to a sense of sadness & cynicism. Trump and 2020 seem like the crowning blows.

Gayle ()

As a strategic executive, you would be fired long ago. If you are harassed by Trump or a Wise Guy, say so. If he threatens you like you cannot work anywhere else, just say so. There are protections against Barbie & her family. If you are scared, that means Trump is Satan.

Ross Ahlfeld
Ross Ahlfeld ()

Every year the well meaning get awfully embarrassed by this image and seek to dump it. But I like it, it’s a popular devotional image like Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is a symbol of radical resistance rather than a symbol of hierarchy and earthly power. Christ is our King not Trump

Like trump Photo,Like trump Twitter Trend : Most Popular Tweets
Michael Rothpilled
Michael Rothpilled ()

@cenkuygur It’s obvious Trump won by a landslide. Democrats cheat like the communists that own them.

⚒ Cattle Steroid Enthusiast ⚒
⚒ Cattle Steroid Enthusiast ⚒ ()

@tonyschwartz This sounds like a willful misreading of never Trumpers, almost all of whom repudiate Trump, Trumpism, and Trump’s enablers.

Matthew A Newgarden
Matthew A Newgarden ()

Piece explains how white women read books like ‘White Fragility’ and voted for President Trump anyway via @twitchyteam

Jordan Regan
Jordan Regan ()

@RealJamesWoods Lol, you and Jon voight are just as crazy as Kenny Copeland (actual crook). Trump could say Biden is an alien from The Men in Black. You’d be like “yep totally makes sense.” How was his service Sunday ?

@JohnCornyn still sucks as a Senator!
@JohnCornyn still sucks as a Senator! ()

@realDonaldTrump Are you this afraid of being butt fucked in prison? Sure seems like it. #TrumpIsACriminal #Trump

Frédéric Brandt
Frédéric Brandt ()

Nice piece about @sarahcpr in the @guardian today. Makes me like her even more #fanboy

Debordian Larper🥖🌶🍝
Debordian Larper🥖🌶🍝 ()

@Elizebian Feel like that’s a trend with right wing parties You’ve got Trump blaming the Dems for everything The Tories blaming Labour for everything I expect to see that trend in other countries as well umu

Cindy_lou_who ()

If you don’t like trump contesting the voter fraud, remember that this sets a precedent for future elections. If Biden can do it to Trump, Trump can do it to the next guy . In fact, Hillary cheated in her primary. Bernie should have been the rightful candidate against Trump.

☚ beth harmon #AUSvIND ☛
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