Lancet Twitter

Lancet twitter tendance - top tweets | France

BREAKING: Danish mask study that JAMA, NEJM & Lancet REFUSED to publish was just published in Annals of Internal Medicine. In the largest randomized controlled trial to date w/ 6,024 subjects, medical masks were NOT effective protection against infection.

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Lancet on Twitter

Uddì® (Utente Disattivata)
Uddì® (Utente Disattivata) ()

@Rossana_Capo @AndreC198 Guarda che Horton dieci giorni fa ha detto praticamente le stesse cose. The Lancet ieri ha preso posizione ufficiale in merito. Ma qua in Italia ci facciamo le seghe a quattro mani sulle gravi responsabilità comunicative di Crisanti, non dello Stato o dei media, di Crisanti. Ok

安澜6世 ()

@business ⚠️WHY and HOW the top scientists were incited to prepare for the LANCET letter on denying Lab-origin of COVID-19 virus in a hurry? What kind of role CCP played behind it until now? Briefly, I explained the information behind two emails I mentioned 👇

CellFree Sciences
CellFree Sciences ()

Challenges in creating herd immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection by mass vaccination

Andy Sinton
Andy Sinton ()

@florian_krammer Looks like they kind of anticipated this in their recent Lancet paper?

Lancet Photo,Lancet twitter tendance - top tweets
Awakening(文醒) ()

@JasonMillerinDC WHY and HOW the top scientists were incited to prepare for the LANCET letter on denying Lab-origin of COVID-19 virus in a hurry? What kind of role CCP played behind it until now? Briefly, I explained the information behind two emails I mentioned 👇

Bruno Bianco
Bruno Bianco ()

@lageloni quindi si sbagliano anche a Lancet? o hanno pure loro conti aperti con Zangrillo e co?

Non believer
Non believer ()

@Xtien Misschien vind je dit interessante info: Kritisch zijn op productie vaccins is geen schande, maar is volgens correcte wetenschappelijke mores nodig.

Medscape PT
Medscape PT ()

Apresentado no #AHA20 e publicado no The Lancet, os resultados do estudo AFFIRM-AHF sobre suplementação de ferro provavelmente mudarão as diretrizes para insuficiência cardíaca.

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L Michael Posey
L Michael Posey ()

PNN for Nov. 23 - Lancet: Challenges for mass SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations. FDA issues EUA for Regeneron COVID-19 monoclonals; Pfizer requests EUA for COVID-19 vaccine. PNN

Lancet Photo,Lancet twitter tendance - top tweets
Amine Tafat
Amine Tafat ()

@AlexandreJardin Les énormes scandales du Lancet et du Remdesivir ont été noyés

The Lancet
The Lancet ()

NEW—Tackling #COVID19 in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. In a Comment, Ahmed Salim Al-Mandhari, Richard J Brennan, Abdinasir Abubakar & Rana Hajjeh @WHOEMRO describe factors explaining the regional trends & the response challenges in the region

Lancet Photo,Lancet twitter tendance - top tweets
Daniela Valdiserra #Antifascista
Daniela Valdiserra #Antifascista ()

@vitalbaa @mauriziomeland2 Il Lancet dice le stesse cose: i risultati sono stati comunicati tramite stampa, lasciando molte incertezze alla comunità scientifica

Non believer
Non believer ()

@DeRedacteur1984 Vertel ze dit maar, als repliek: onderzoekers maken zich zorgen dat met dit vaccin de kans op HIV krijgen groter is

Martha Leah Nangalama
Martha Leah Nangalama ()

via @PerilofAfrica Lancet Laboratories Struck Off List of COVID-19 Testing Laboratories: According to Dr Susan Nabadda,the head of COVID-19 Testing laboratories in the country Lancet was struck off the list because they shifted to a new location that is…

Giacomo Gorini
Giacomo Gorini ()

@bettasanlazzaro Può trovare due pubblicazioni su Lancet pertinenti la fase 1 e la fase 1/2. La più recente è della settimana scorsa. Sulla fase 3 si cerca di pubblicare ASAP.

Marteena ()

@LordDrachen A me sembra che Lancet scriva che questi provvedimenti riducano effettivamente la trasmissione. Non capisco cosa vuole dirmi, penso che non abbia inteso il senso del post iniziale, probabilmente.

安澜6世 ()

@Independent ⚠️WHY and HOW the top scientists were incited to prepare for the LANCET letter on denying Lab-origin of COVID-19 virus in a hurry? What kind of role CCP played behind it until now? Briefly, I explained the information behind two emails I mentioned 👇

Pascal Pascal
Pascal Pascal ()

@AvenirRoyal @thalassa2008 La réaction a la visite de Mike Pompéo (administration Trump) a Macron. Dès le lendemain, Jupiter qui avait félicité Biden aussi vite que Véran le Lancet- commençait à mettre de l eau dans son vin a propos de l élection

Maura ()

@oniizip10 @MedBunker Dopo aver visto che lavoro su Lancet su idrossiclorochina si badava su dati sbagliati, ha AIFA permesso di nuovo l’uso off label del farmaco? No. Perchè?

Dirk Haussecker
Dirk Haussecker ()

@Karl_Lauterbach 90% war in sub-Studie mit viel weniger Probanden. Neutralizing antibody (gegen Adenovirus und SarsCov2) aus Phase II suggerieren, dass dieses Ergebnis mit groesseren Zahlen nicht standhaelt. #oxfordvaccine

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LouD 🪐
LouD 🪐 ()

Sembrerebbe che il caporedattore di The Lancet avvalori l’affermazione di Crisanti #ioStoConCrisanti

Ben Murphy
Ben Murphy ()

@BlokeAnother @BorisJohnson Yep, this tabloid is very entertaining! Here are some real things for you! And take these death toll numbers seriously, they were real lives!

Lancet Photo,Lancet twitter tendance - top tweets
安澜6世 ()

@nytimes @KieraJAllen ⚠️WHY and HOW the top scientists were incited to prepare for the LANCET letter on denying Lab-origin of COVID-19 virus in a hurry? What kind of role CCP played behind it until now? Briefly, I explained the information behind two emails I mentioned 👇

SubstanceUse@gcu ()

Girls and young women suffer from alcohol marketing perpetuating gender stereotypes, female sexualization and objectification #dontpinkmydrink

James Todaro, MD
James Todaro, MD ()

BREAKING: Danish mask study that JAMA, NEJM & Lancet REFUSED to publish was just published in Annals of Internal Medicine. In the largest randomized controlled trial to date w/ 6,024 subjects, medical masks were NOT effective protection against infection.

Julia Hartley-Brewer
Julia Hartley-Brewer ()

You think all this talk of false positives for Covid testing is conspiracy theorist nonsense? Then go tell that to the Lancet which has published this article on the problem. An easy read for the non-scientist.

☚ #BalanceTonPost #aot135spoilers ☛
France Top Tendances