BotW Twitter

BotW está en tendencia en Twitter - Los tweets más populares | Mexico

Breath of the Wild fans are trying to mount Sidon as fast as possible — and there’s actual money on the line

BotW Foto,BotW está en tendencia en Twitter - Los tweets más populares

BotW on Twitter

로서넴🌿 ()

물론 무쌍시점 링크가 보기엔 어느날 친구동생의 거대한 버전이 미래에서 날아왔다(?)->근데 미래의 나를 안다고 한다(??)->거리감 제로로 겁나 들이댄다(????)이런느낌이겠지만

로서넴🌿 ()

후손즈중 유일하게 과거/현재의 링크를 모두 아는 시드. 근데 아무래도 현재 링크랑 더 친하다보니(제대로 얘기해본것도, 같이 신수깬것도 현재니까)과거로 와서 자기가 아는 것과는 다른 링크한테 약간 거리감 느낄지도

효도커미션 진행중 토야
효도커미션 진행중 토야 ()

아 .. 귀여운 링크들 보고싶다 나는 건장한 남성 3명 이상이 모여서 바보 같은 짓 하는 게 너무 좋아


@adobetrash Aaaa Kaeya gongzi~ 💕🤤💕 One think Genshin does so much better than Botw is its updates with new events so the game always stays fresh! Characters are so well flushed with their own unique stories to tell. There’s so much the game has to offer for new players~

Max Malavenda
Max Malavenda ()

@briangaar Agree with this more every day. Unless your open world is super intentional (BOTW, Soulsbornes, Outer Wilds), a big map and a checklist more often feels like a cheap way to make your game seem big and ambitious

Luigi ()

@FireBro_ @Seraniiim Das kann ich bestätigen. Ich habe in den letzten zwei Wochen über 100 Stunden BotW gespielt und ich habe nie gespielt, um nur Krogs zu sammeln. Klar, die, die ich auf dem Weg gesehen habe, habe ich mitgenommen, aber ich habe mich nie bewusst darauf konzentriert

wisalallen 🍓🥛
Wisalallen 🍓🥛 ()

@_itshero oh definitely. I really missed the variety of boss fights in botw but they made up for it with the enemies and open combat. I loved trying to come up with clever ways to defeat them it’s super addicting this is one of my favorite Lynel kills I’ve seen

下田レイ Rei Shimoda/Job:VoiceActress🇯🇵
下田レイ Rei Shimoda/Job:VoiceActress🇯🇵 ()

声☞タイニー・プリティー・シングス/ネヴェーア◈ディセンダント/カルロス◈ゼルダの伝説BotW・ゼルダ無双 厄災の黙示録/ウルボザ◈ピーターラビット/カトンテール◈R6S/ゾフィア◈LoL・LoR/セジュアニ◈FEH/ソニア◈シルバニア/ピアーズくん◈シーラとプリンセス戦士/エントラプタ◈幻影戦争/ソシア

Jacob Budz
Jacob Budz ()

Okay more context that maybe makes you feel better idk: I played TLoU 1 a long time ago and I’d probably enjoy it a lot more if I played it now. Stardew Valley is fun but I never wanted to binge it. idk. HZ:D and BoTW have a great everything else. Just not perfect.

Dreddbolt, Disappointed Iconoclast
Dreddbolt, Disappointed Iconoclast ()

@XPtoLevel3 Strong agree on BotW, sad agree on Stardew. BotW was a great video game, but a woefully subpar Zelda game. Had lots of fun. Stardew is still making content, I just keep forgetting the game exists, even though I went out of my way to double dip from digital to a physical copy.

cib ◟̽◞̽
Cib ◟̽◞̽ ()

@MongeHan Queria apagar minha memória só pra poder jogar botw do zero e sentir as mesmas coisas

Polygon ()

Breath of the Wild fans are trying to mount Sidon as fast as possible — and there’s actual money on the line

BotW Foto,BotW está en tendencia en Twitter - Los tweets más populares
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Mexico Principales Tendencias